"We are programmed for longevity not death," says George Roth, Ph.D., the molecular physiology, and genetics chief at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore.
"Every species has a maximum life span, for mice it's about two years, for dogs twenty and for humans about 100." The addition of herbs in your diet, either in fresh form (preferably) or supplement dried form, can do so much to increase your lifespan, build up your health and keep you vibrant as the years progress.
Ginkgo Biloba
This herb is called the elixir of youth. In China the ginkgo tree is considered sacred. The tree has been known to live over 1,000 years and is the oldest living species of tree on earth. Daniel G. Amen, author of "Your Brain in Love," says the "prettiest" brains he has seen have been people who take gingko.
Recent research has also shown that Ginkgo biloba extract is remarkably effective at protecting mitochondria from damage.
Even more impressive, Ginkgo has been shown to not only preserve mitochondria structure and function in aging animals, but to also significantly extend their life span. Gingko has so many amazing benefits. It improves brain function, protects against alzheimer's, protection against heart disease and stroke, cancer prevention, relief from headaches, asthma, allergies, and sexual dysfunction. Also greatly helps with depression, vertigo and improves circulation. It is a powerful antioxidant and one of the best anti-aging substances around.
Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola rosea can make you feel better and live longer. It is now, according to recent research, becoming more widely accepted as a powerful anti-aging, anti-stress herb. Flies that ate a diet rich with Rhodiola rosea lived an average of 10 percent longer than fly groups that didn't eat the herb. Russian research has emphasized that Rhodiola rosea extracts have rejuvenative properties due to their ability to raise the efficiency of the intra-cell DNA repair mechanisms.
One of the greatest things rhodiola does is enhance mental and physical performance. It has been widely used by Russian athletes and cosmonauts to increase energy. It stimulates the immune system, is anti cancer and anti-stress, increases weight loss, improves hypothyroidism, fights depression, raises resistance power of body against toxins, and increases mental and physical performance. I have only skimmed the surface with of all of rhodiola's benefits. It is called the herb of the century.
Gotu Kola
In 1933, it is said a man died in China who was 256 years old. This was reported in Time Magazine, The New York Times, and the London Times. His name was Li Chung Yuen. He attributed his longevity to vegetarianism, brisk daily walks, and drinking an herbal formula made primarily from -you guessed it -gotu kola. Traditionally the people of Sri Lanka have observed that one of the longest living mammals, the elephants fed extensively on gotu kola in the wild. This may have been the initial cause for the use of this plant and its subsequent reputation as a promoter of longevity in people who eat it.
It is commonly held that the consumption of a few leaves of the gotu kola every day will strengthen and revitalize worn out bodies and brains.
Gotu kola strengthens the heart, balances hormones, is helpful in restoring the nervous system, can increase blood circulation to the brain, is effective for treating high blood pressure, stimulates memory, is used for increased energy and has a calming effect at the same time, treats anxiety, great for fevers and inflammatory conditions, boosts collagen in the skin and helpful in skin conditions and wound healing.
Milk Thistle
A healthy liver contributes to longevity and milk thistle has been used to treat liver ailments since the days of ancient Rome. It strengthens the liver, protects liver cells from incoming toxins, and allows the liver to release and process toxins that are already there. Milk thistle repairs damage to the liver caused by hepatitis, cirrhosis, poisonous mushrooms, drugs, and toxic chemicals. Preliminary research suggests that this herb also helps lower cholesterol, and boosts the body’s production of its own powerful natural antioxidant, glutathione.
Numerous studies from Europe have shown conclusively that taking milk thistle supplements helps extend the life of patients suffering from cirrhosis. Milk thistle also soothes and moistens mucous membranes, offering remedy for kidney and bladder irritation as well as inflammation of the skin. This lubricating effect makes milk thistle a mild natural laxative as well. The protective effects of milk thistle studied in various tissues, suggest a clinical application in cancer patients as an adjunct to established therapies, to prevent or reduce chemotherapy as well radiotherapy induced toxicity. Milk thistle also helps repair damaged cells and generate new ones when needed.
And lastly, Along with moistening and soothing mucus membranes, Milk Thistle is effective at softening and moisturizing the skin, and it produces a noticeable glow and radiance to skin quality. Skin problems are quite responsive, particularly acne and eczema. Milk Thistle also aids in the healing of redness and inflammation of the skin.
Recent research has confirmed that astragalus slows the aging process at a cellular level, contains antioxidants and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It lowers blood pressure and increases endurance in some situations. An extract from astragalus is being studied as a way to help the immune system fight HIV/AIDs. Astragalus stimulates the adrenal glands, and it is thought that it may help to promote a healthy response to physical and emotional stressors that otherwise could suppress the adrenal glands and lead to lead sleep difficulties. Astragalus may help to combat anxiety and promote sleep as it contains a number of chemical constituents that are important for sleep. Several dozen flavonoids have been found in the root and flower of this plant. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants, and antioxidants have been shown to have anti-anxiety effects. Astragalus also contains GABA, an amino acid that is important in modulating stress and anxiety.
Astragalus has also gained interest for potential cardiovascular and circulatory benefits. It has a vasodilation effect upon blood vessels, which lends credence to its use to lower elevated blood pressure, to promote renal function and to treat seizures. Astragalus is considered to be a potent immune-system booster in traditional Chinese medicine. Practitioners report that astragalus reduces the production of T-suppressor cells and increases the activity of T cells. In turn, astralgalus is thought to increase the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow and lymph tissue.
Hawthorn Berry is a life prolonger because of it's heart strengthening properties. It is loaded with bioflavonoids, a potent antioxidant found in many fruits that are said to be many times more powerful than the antioxidant Vitamins A, C and E. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that when given to patients with heart failure, hawthorn was found to be as effective as a leading prescription heart medication.
Hawthorn berries and hawthorn supplements are known for their ability to enhance metabolism and the utilization of oxygen in the heart. This allows for protection of the arterial walls and dilation of the coronary blood vessels improving the pumping of the heart. This also means that reduced blood pressure occurs as expanded blood vessels allows the blood to move more freely throughout the body.
Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries in India for 3,000 years as a rejuvenating herbal tonic to improve overall health, vitality and longevity. The herb is believed to improve memory, support the immune system and generally aid in optimizing the physiological functions of the body. There is evidence that Ashwagandha has significant anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties.
It is also thought to possess anti-stress properties and the compounds found within the herb are antioxidants. Historically the herb has also been used as a sex-enhancing tonic owing to its potent activity as an aphrodisiac. Ashwaganda has a broad spectrum character that has earned it the name 'Indian Ginseng', since it has played a central role in India in a similar fashion as Ginseng has historically in China. Latest researches reveal that Ashwagandha, if given in proper dose, can restore the neurotransmitters and hence can be useful in various mental disorders.
Ashwagandha can be used by both men and women and it acts to calm the mind and promote sound, restful sleep. Ashwagandha works as an adaptogen, promoting the body's ability to maintain homeostasis and resist stress. It prevents or minimizes imbalances that may lead to disease, whether from poor diet, lack of sleep, mental or physical strain, or chemical toxins in the environment. It is especially beneficial in stress related disorders such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes , general debility, etc. It has also shown impressive results when used as a stimulant for the immune system. Ashwagandha is a unique herb with anti-stress adaptogenic action that leads to better physical fitness and helps to cope with life's daily stress. Promotes healthy thyroid, sexual function, boosts immune system, joint function and general well being.
Alfalfa is one of the most nutritionally resourceful plants yet discovered. Its seeds, leaves and stems offer valuable properties. The Arabs, who exposed this herb, called it the 'King of plants' and the 'Father of all Foods'. The Persians recognized it as one of Nature's most healing grasses.
Alfalfa is a precious source of Vitamin A, B, D, E and G and it also has some Vitamin C and blood clotting Vitamin K. Of extraordinary value in alfalfa are the rich quality, quantity and proper balance of calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, potassium and silicon. These elements are all very much required for the proper functioning of the several organs in the body. This
Alfalfa is one of the richest chlorophyll foods that contributes to longevity. Alfalfa is an exceptional alkalizing food, which makes it a valuable food remedy for several illnesses. It boosts the peristalsis of the bowels, recovers digestion and ensures better absorption of food. Alfalfa, in the type of juice, extracted from its leaves, has been found very beneficial in most troubles with the arteries and heart disease. This juice is also useful in the respiratory ailment. Alfalfa in the form of seeds, known as King of Sprouts, is of enormous value in building up immunity to stomach disorders. A tea made from these seeds is highly helpful in the treatment of arthritis and high blood pressure.
An ancient Chinese proverb is translated as, “How can a man grow old who has sage in his garden?” The sage plant has been praised highly throughout history for its powers of longevity.
Clinical studies show that the sage plant offers antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant benefits. The sage herb is used medicinally for a number of purposes. It has effective antioxidant properties and is used in may areas of the globe for its wide household uses, including a remedy for menopausal night sweats in England and as an anhidrotic (reduces or stops perspiration) and for an upset stomach in Germany. The astringency of the herb makes it beneficial in mild cases of diarrhea and as a digestive tonic and stimulant.
In Chinese medicine, sage is a yin substance and is thought to both calm and activate the nervous system. has also been used to treat sprains, swelling, ulcers, toothaches, gingivitis, and bleeding. As a tea, sage is thought to soothe sore throats, coughs and asthma. Herbalists also use this herb for rheumatism, menstrual bleeding, strengthening the nervous system, improving memory, and sharpening the senses. Studies show that sage also has germ-fighting abilities and boosts glutathione, an important antioxidant in the body, by up to 700 percent, helping to protect the body against germ invasions.
Ginger is an extremely effective remedy for inflammations, cough, cold and other forms of bacterial, fungal and viral infections. It is considered a trusted anti-aging agent. Since several centuries, ginger is widely used as an effective remedy for treating queasiness and to alleviate upset stomach often. It is also a good source of potent and brawny anti-inflammatory properties which makes it an excellent remedy for treating arthritis and various other irritation problems. Ginger is also known to boost up energy and cravings.
But most of the people are unaware of the anti-aging properties of ginger. Both the ginger root and ginger oil are excellent source which is equivalent to any of the anti-aging treatment. The latest finds regarding ginger to have been reported are, it may help to stop the spread of cancer by preventing or slowing the tumor growth.
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