The inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes is called bronchitis. It occurs in both acute and chronic forms.
Acute bronchitis generally follows a viral respiratory infection. At first, it affects your nose, sinuses, and throat and then spreads to the lungs. Sometimes, you may get another (secondary) bacterial infection in the airways. This means that bacteria infect the airways, in addition to the virus. People at risk for acute bronchitis include the elderly, infants and young children; persons with heart or lung disease; and smokers.
Chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition. People will have a cough that produces excessive mucus. To be diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, you must have a cough with mucus most days of the month for at least 3 months.
The most common symptom of bronchitis is a cough. At first, the cough is dry, but within a few hours or days, a clear mucous secretion begins, becoming yellowish, indicating infection. In most occasions , the fever lasts 3 to 5 days, and the cough from 2 to 3 weeks for acute bronchitis, more for chronic.
Treat Bronchitis Naturally
Treat your acute and chronic bronchitis naturally with healing warm teas, foods, spices and more. For chronic bronchitis, you must make sure to rid yourself of environmental irritants too. Set down a healing regimen/treatment for your bronchitis and stick with it. Any sickness will not be cured by drinking one cup of herb tea or taking one dosage of an herb or food. Treatment must be consistent and be a thoroughly thought out plan of specific dosages.
You can heal yourself naturally.
The most mucus forming foods are milk and dairy products. These are an absolute must to avoid when you are suffering from bronchitis. When you are healed, add them back slowly.
Cayenne pepper is an excellent way to break up phlegm when you have bronchitis. Cayenne greatly improves circulation, too. As part of using natural bronchitis remedies, consider putting cayenne in your food to help heal quicker. Cayenne pepper is of high nutritional value, as it contains vitamin A, B complexes and vitamin C. It is also a rich source of carotenoids, organic calcium and potassium. Many people who specialize in herbal medicines say that cayenne pepper is the most valuable herb known to date.
The liberal use of Vitamin C rich foods or supplements have been found valuable in the prevention and treatment of bronchitis. In studies, hospital patients with bronchitis recovered faster when they took vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C is considered a cell protective antioxidant. Food rich in this vitamin can help protect the lungs from damage and consequent debilitating bronchitis. In a major study of 9,000 patients, Dr. Joel Schwartz of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, discovered that people who ate foods containing more vitamin C were less likely to get bronchitis.
The best way to cure bronchitis would be to consume turmeric powder. Supposedly it works very fast on bronchitis. You should take some turmeric powder daily. Add 1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder two or three times a day to food. Bronchitis is alleviated by the mucolytic and anti bacterial action of turmeric. This supplement is a natural inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa beta, which mediates most inflammatory processes in the body.
Green Tea can strengthen a weak immune system against common illnesses such as the flu, bronchitis or infections that take a long time to heal or return quickly. Green Tea has demonstrated superior antioxidant properties in experimental studies than vitamin C or E. Green Tea also has the capability to increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes.
It is antibacterial and kills viruses in the body. It also helps boost your immune system. You'll definitely want to drink warm green tea. But not too many cups as green tea contains caffeine.
Chamomile contains a compound that can help with bronchitis and its symptoms. Chamomile also contains apigenin, which is an herbal COX-2 inhibitor, which means it can help to relieve pain. Chamomile is especially helpful if it is the type that comes from Rome and Hungary, which have been shown to have more beneficial substances in them than other types of chamomile. Chamomile works best when taken in tea form throughout the day. Even a quart of chamomile tea can prove significantly helpful in relieving inflammation of the lungs.
Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis increase as magnesium levels decline. The more magnesium in the body, the less wheezing and other respiratory complaints. Magnesium is found in almonds, cashews, oats, black beans, pumpkin seeds, spinach, pearled barley, buckwheat and brazil nuts. It is not necessary to take magnesium supplements to achieve good magnesium levels. More Magnesium Foods.
Onions are expectorants and help the flow of mucus. Use raw, cooked, baked, in soups and stews, as seasoning, or any way you like them. Fresh onion juice is very helpful to bronchitis patients. Take half tablespoon onion juice in the morning.
Powder or fresh form is great. Simply put a few pinches of each in some warm water and drink on a full stomach, about one or two times a day. This tea has been known to cure bronchitis. These are all herbs that have a long history of medicinal use. Ginger has been studied in countless scientific studies; it is a strong antimicrobial and also improves circulation. Clove, too, has been studied scientifically and is approved in Germany for use as a topical antiseptic and painkiller. Studies of the internal use of clove suggest that it is likely to be useful for pain relief and fever reduction. Clove is also believed to stimulate circulation (though more gently than ginger does), and to help produce sleepiness. Cinnamon has been used as a folk remedy for colds, flus, and sore throats since ancient times. It is useful for lowering fevers and relieving congestion. Cinnamon and ginger also have a warming effect on the body, which can make a patient feel better if he or she is experiencing chills. Ginger and cinnamon also have an expectorant effect on the body – they help coughs to become more productive. When these three herbs are put together, they can be used to make a tea that help a person with bronchitis heal swiftly.
In a study of foods that tested anti-bronchitis foods, licorice scored the highest. Licorice has been used in traditional folk medicine for bronchitis and other types of respiratory tract conditions, for many years. Theophratus, who was known as the father of botany and lived from 373to 287 BC, even suggested using licorice for a cough, bronchitis and asthma. Long term use of licorice can cause problems including headaches, water retention, lethargy and high blood pressure, so it should only be taken to recover from bronchitis and not taken regularly to prevent bronchitis recurrence.
An emulsion of almonds is helpful in bronchial sickness, including bronchitis. It is made by making a powder of seven almonds and mixing the powdered kernels in a cup of orange or lemon juice. This mixture may be taken once every day at night. If you choose to, just eat the almonds plain instead.
Traditional uses of asparagus can be traced back over a thousand years in ancient China where it was used as a cooling remedy to treat chronic bronchitis, lung congestion, and tuberculosis. Eat it raw or cooked.
Reishi mushrooms have a potent bronchitis preventative effect, inducing regeneration of bronchial epithelium. The Institute for Appropriate Technology reports that laboratory trials have confirmed that ganoderms such as Reishi Mushroom are effective in combating viral and bacterial infections by stimulating the production of Interleukin 2 in the bloodstream. Recent test-tube and human studies have demonstrated anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant effects. When more than 2,000 patients with chronic bronchitis (not acute, but nevertheless vital information) were given Reishi Mushroom Extract in tablet form, 60 to 90 percent of these patients showed a marked improvement in health, including increased appetite, within a short time.
Tulsi has incredible antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is helpful for coughs, upper respiratory infections and bronchitis. Tulsi inhibits inflammatory enzymes in the body. It is an important constituent of many Ayurvedic cough syrups and expectorants. It helps to mobilize the mucus in bronchitis.
Lemons have antibacterial properties, contain vitamin C and fight mucus as well. Squeeze a bit of lemon into the tea you drink throughout the day. Drink warm lemon water upon awakening. Also, gargle with the lemon juice mixed with warm water (1 teaspoon in 1 cup warm water). This loosens mucus as well. Read more about the benefits of warm lemon water here. Apple cider vinegar is also very helpful.
Gargling with saltwater may provide a double dose of relief by soothing the inflammation in the throat and by cutting through some of the mucus that may be coating and irritating the sensitive throat membranes. It only takes one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water; too much salt causes burning in the throat, and too little is ineffective. Gargle as often as needed, but be sure to spit the salty water out after gargling.
Another idea is to breathe in steaming salt water. Also, frequenting the ocean and breathing in the salty air can have the same helpful benefits for bronchitis. The air at the ocean is healing and alkalinizing.
Eucalyptus oil is very effective in treating cough and bronchitis as it helps in loosening of the phlegm. Drops of eucalyptus oil can be poured onto a clean cloth and gently inhaled at regular intervals all day long. Another way, you can add eucalyptus oil to boiling water and inhale the vapors to get rid of the mucus producing cough. And yet another way is to add a few drops to your bathwater.
According to Leah Duke, WHP, Vitamin D is an important immune system booster that many people are not getting enough of. Vitamin D is naturally absorbed into our bodies by sunlight but when we do not get enough of it naturally, such as in the winter months, our immune functioning suffers. Laboratory studies conducted have shown that vitamin D ‘switches on’ the production of natural antibiotic substances that can kill viruses and bacteria in white blood cells that fight infection. Without sufficient vitamin D, one is more likely to be sick more often.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zinc, selenium, potassium and selenium. People regularly use garlic to fight infections, improve blood circulation and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Garlic has long been used in Asia and many other eastern countries to fight respiratory problems, including bronchitis. When you eat garlic, it releases a broad spectrum antibiotic which is very useful for fighting and preventing lung infections. Eat a few raw cloves a day.
Olive leaf extract can prevent, and cure bronchitis if it is started as soon as the symptoms start. The main constituent of olive leaf is the phytochemical oleuropein, which is broken down to elenolic acid. It has a powerful antibacterial, and the ability to interfere with critical amino acid production essential for viruses. Research suggests that olive leaf may be a true antiviral compound because it appears to selectively block an entire virus-specific system in the infected host. It also appears to offer healing effects not addressed by pharmaceutical antibiotics. Olive leaf's broad wide-spectrum killing power includes an ability to interfere with critical amino acid production for viruses; an ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses by preventing virus shredding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane; and the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop viral replication. A true gem in the fight against bronchitis.
Oregano oil is claimed to kill or suppress the underlying virus that often cause bronchitis. Oregano is a nontoxic antibacterial and antiviral herb that does not kill human cells like antibiotics do; instead it strengthens the immune system. Dr. Cass Ingram’s book "The Cure Is in the Cupboard" unveils oregano’s multiple practical uses, including its ability to safely kill every germ which it has been tested against and nine pathogens, including salmonella, E. coli, listeria, strep, pseudomonas and molds. It also has strong antioxidant and antinflammatory effects and is an ideal product for bronchitis. The oil is more potent, but you can also use the powdered form which you will probably find in your kitchen cupboard.
Flaxseed helps to reduce inflammation in the lungs that causes difficulty breathing. To help reduce or prevent shortness of breath, add a ¼ cup of ground flaxseed to your morning cereal. You can grind the seeds and keep the leftovers in a container and put them in a refrigerator for the next day.
The Macrobiotic diet suggests miso soup for bronchitis. Try some hot miso soup with tofu, onions, mushrooms, seaweed and cabbage. All these foods will help boost your immune system, clear congestion and heal your bronchitis. Have a few bowls a day until healed.
Other Beneficial Ways To Heal Bronchitis
Bee propolis
Beta carotene
Coconut oil
Manuka honey
Saw palmetto
Drink lots of fluids and eat high water-content foods.
Hike in nature and breathe deeply to take fresh air into your lungs.
Did You Know?
-Women and people who live in the southern United States are more likely to get chronic bronchitis.
-Over 14 million cases of chronic bronchitis are reported each year in the U.S
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