
Foods For Brain Health + Memory

What you eat does more than influence your gut. It also may affect your brain. Increasing evidence shows that mom was right: You should eat your vegetables, and your blueberries and walnuts, too.

Blueberries serve a wide range of functions for improving mental function. Most notably, regular blueberry consumption has been shown to improve memory function. Furthermore, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, helping to prevent free radical damage. Still not convinced? Research has found that blueberries can also reverse age related declines in motor function, balance, and coordination.

Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are rich in brain-healthy fats that are directly used by the brain to build and protect neurons and regulate the environment of the brain.
To boost your brain to the max, have a tablespoon or two of flax seeds every day. Other brain-boosting seeds are hemp and chia.

Don’t let the avocado’s fat content fool you. It’s a healthy fat that promotes blood flow, keeping your mind functioning at its peak. Avocados are rich in a fatty acid called oleic acid, which helps to build the coating of insulation, known as myelin (found in white matter of the brain.) Myelin helps information travel at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. 

Neurons without myelin (gray matter) process information at slower speeds.
We can make some oleic acid on our own if we have other good fats in our diet, but avocados are a tasty way to include it in our diet.

Oleic acid makes up over a third of the fat in myelin. Thus, avocados (and other sources like olives, almonds and pecans) are helpful for speedy messaging within your brain. 

Chocolate is one of nature's most concentrated sources of theobromine, a mild, natural stimulant and molecular "cousin" of caffeine. However, unlike its cousin, theobromine does not strongly stimulate the central nervous system, nor does it have the same "eye-opening" power. 
Flavanols in chocolate have the ability to help maintain brain function may arise from their ability to protect brain cells, improve brain metabolism and blood flow, which helps preserve memory, the researchers said.

Broccoli has been shown to improve memory function as well as slow the aging process. This means a broccoli-rich diet will keep you young and sharp. Furthermore, the antioxidants found in cruciferous veggies like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and collard greens helped women in a 25-year study conducted at Harvard Medical School to retain memory function.

Scientists at Wake Forest University determined that natural nitrates in beets can increase blood flow to the brain, thereby improving mental performance.
High concentrations of nitrates are found in beets, as well as in celery, cabbage and other leafy green vegetables like spinach and some lettuce. When you eat high-nitrate foods, good bacteria in the mouth turn nitrate into nitrite. Research has found that nitrites can help open up the blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and oxygen specifically to places that are lacking oxygen.

Diets containing two percent, six percent, or nine percent walnuts, when given to old rats, were found to reverse several parameters of brain aging, as well as age-related motor and cognitive deficits, says James Joseph, PhD, of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University in Boston.
Findings from the studies by Joseph and his colleague Barbara Shukitt-Hale, PhD, show for the first time that shorter chain fatty acids found in plants, such as walnuts, may have beneficial effects on cognition similar to those from long chain fatty acids derived from animal sources, which have been reported previously.

Walnuts are loaded with omega-3s, which make them the ultimate "brain food."Studies have linked low consumption of omega-3s to depression and decreased cognitive function.

Did you know that walnuts also seem to triple melatonin levels in the body? Melatonin is one of the body's sleep regulating hormones, so if you're tired of counting sheep at night, maybe a pre-bedtime snack of walnuts would help you get some shuteye.

Not only is peppermint calming for the stomach, but it also helps better your brain. According to the history, people used peppermint to enhance memory and to treat other conditions even since 3000 years ago.

The main effect of peppermint (the fresh herb, oil or tea)  is represented by a significant improvement of the blood flow to the brain. In addition, peppermint is believed to increase the concentration power. Peppermint contains significant amounts of flavonoids. These are a type of antioxidants that prevent aging of the brain, improve the immune system and neutralize or diminish the action of the oxidative substances.

In the 1990s, researchers at University of Cincinnati found that a whiff of peppermint helped test subjects concentrate and do better on tasks that required sustained concentration. Joel Warm, a professor of psychology who conducted the research with his late colleague William Dember, said there is more than a bit of truth in the peppermint theory.

"Not only do you get an improvement [in focus] with peppermint, you get a change in response that affects alertness in target detection," he said.
Bryan Raudenbush, an associate professor of psychology at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia, found that athletes who had a sniff of peppermint performed better than those who didn't.

Is it a coincidence that elderly residents of rural India, who eat large amounts of curry, appear to have the lowest incidence of Alzheimer’s in the world? Researchers find that the widely used spice might contain compounds which can help prevent neurological diseases. Researchers believe that part of the reason for the low level of brain injury in India is that, over a lifetime, consuming turmeric may actually have a protective effect on the brain and nervous system. It's not an easy hypothesis to prove, but Schubert began by extracting several compounds from the spice. He found that at least one compound, curcumin, has protective effects on brain cells of lab animals with neurological injuries. Another study found that folks who reported consuming turmeric from occasionally to very often performed better on memory tests.

Here's a new reason to munch on an apple a day: Apples are a leading source of quercetin, an antioxidant plant chemical that keeps your mental juices flowing by protecting your brain cells. According to researchers at Cornell University, quercetin defends your brain cells from free radical attacks which can damage the outer lining of delicate neurons and eventually lead to cognitive decline. To get the most quercetin bang for your buck, be sure to eat your apples with their skins on since that's where you'll find most of their quercetin.

Beta-amyloid plaques are one of the trademarks of Alzheimer's disease. The other is tangles in the brain made of tau proteins that can cause brain cells to die. Emerging research from the University of California at Santa Barbara reveals that two compounds in cinnamon -- proanthocyanidins and cinnamaldehyde -- may inactivate these tau proteins. While this research is still in its infancy, a sprinkle of cinnamon on your oatmeal or yogurt certainly couldn't hurt.

Yerba Mate
The herbal stimulant yerba mate gives your brain a boost without making you nervous. You feel alert and sharp. Interestingly, it actually works as a tonic for the central nervous system, calming the body and mind. It has been shown to improve mood and concentration, reduce anxiety, and prevent mental fatigue.

Chewing Gum
According to British research, the act of simply “chewing gum,” could make us smarter, enhance our memory, and improve the functioning of our brains. A joint study done by the University of Northumbria and the Cognitive Research Unit, Reading, found that “chewing gum” has beneficial effects on our “thinking, memory and other cognitive tasks.” The results of the study were extremely clear and showed that chewing-gum definitely helps to improve brain functioning! Chewing gum may rev up short and long-term memory by as much as 35 percent. To test the power of gum, 75 British volunteers chewed real gum, pretended to chew, or sat quietly in a room as they were presented a list of words on a computer screen. Gum chewers remembered the most words immediately after seeing the list and 25 minutes later.

Researchers have found that the carnosic acid in rosemary is neuroprotective and may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative brain disorders. One study even found that just the scent of rosemary improved the memories of office workers.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is considered one of the best fuels for healthy brain function. Outside of mother's milk, coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are not processed by your body in the same manner as long chain triglycerides. Normal fat metabolism depends on bile salts that have been released from your gallbladder before it can be broken down in your digestive system.

MCTs bypass bile metabolism and go directly to your liver where they are converted into ketones. The liver then immediately releases the ketones into the bloodstream where they are transported to the brain to be used as fuel. Research has shown that the ketone bodies produced by MCTs provide a stable source of energy for the brain during periods of low blood sugar without the neurological risks associated with high blood sugar.

This is why ketones appear to be the preferred source of brain food in patients affected by diabetes or any neurodegenerative condition such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, & Multiple Sclerosis, etc. One of the leading authorities on MCT research is Dr. Mary Newport. She has shown that ketone bodies may help the brain recover from lack of oxygen induced brain death in newborns through adults. Additionally, ketones can help the heart patient recover from a heart attack and they can effectively shrink cancerous tumors.

Pomegranate Juice
Studies conducted in mice by the Loma Linda University team showed that the antioxidant properties of polyphenols chemicals in pomegranates are very effective in cleaning up the beta-amyloid deposits forming on neurons. The building up of beta-amyloid plaque on neuronal cells is one of the main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease which leads to the decline of cognitive function in patients.

Results of the study found that the group of mice who received supplementation with pomegranate juice (PJ) presented a 50% reduction in the beta-amyloid brain plaque at the end of the trial. In conclusion, active antioxidant compounds in pomegranates can 'ingest' the beta-amyloid deposits in the brain and prevent the decline of cognitive function in people prone to developing Alzheimer's disease.

The vast number of compounds in PJ, along with the evidence that these compounds may act together in a synergistic fashion, suggests that isolated components of pomegranate may not be as effective as dietary supplementation with either the whole fruit or its juice.

Thanks for reading! What do you think?

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50 Ways to Love Your Liver

Did you know that the liver affects nearly every physiological process of the body and performs over 500 different chemical functions? And that the liver filters over a liter of blood each minute? 

The liver is amazing organ that we take for granted. I'm sharing a great piece called, "50 Ways to Love Your Liver," by raw foodist Shazzie. Her website is here.

1) Never get jealous. If someone has something you want, then visualize you have either it or something better. You’ll very often get it and then your liver will be happier.
2) Eat your food raw whenever possible, and at least 50% of the time. Max Gerson claims all the C word diseases are a disease of the liver. His answer? Massive raw food abundance, of course.
3) Do castor oil packs. It’s a simple and very effective way to give love to your liver. All you need is castor oil, some old rags and a hottie bottie. You can find detailed instructions on the web.
4) Laugh. It’s a high vibrational technique that changes you on a cellular level, for the better.
5) Juice cleavers (also known as goosegrass or sticky willy). It’s great to resolve liver damage. It’s free in your hedgerows, and is perfect for picking right now. You could even use it as a wild pesto ingredient.
6) Do a gall bladder/liver cleanse. It takes a few days and isn’t recommended by everyone. I’ve done them and benefited greatly, though. I felt like a shiny new person afterwards. Find comprehensive directions on the Internet.
7) Eat garlic and onions. Their sulphur helps detox the liver.
8) Make a weak lemon drink when you wake up. Squeeze one lemon into a litre of warm water. Drink over fifteen minutes, then wait about thirty minutes before eating.
9) Eat beetroot or drink its juice. It helps your liver purify itself and makes your bile thinner. Just don’t freak out when you next go to the toilet. You are not dying, it’s beetroot!
10) Eat cruciferous veggies. They help your liver detox by stimulating enzyme production.
11) Cut down on cooked saturated fats. They don’t help your liver or the rest of your body. 25-30% of westerners have a fatty liver. Yum.
12) Cut down alcohol consumption. Try to drink no more than two days a week, and then be moderate. That means no binge drinking, but you wouldn’t do that would you?
13) Take milk thistle. It’s a great liver supplement, protecting it from damage as well as helping with detox.
14) Less caffeine, please. Check out the herbal coffees that are around. My next door neighbour uses herbal coffee (barley), adds some raw chocolate and a couple of fresh mint leaves from the garden, and then brings me a cup of it, as I’ve got no kitchen at the moment. That’s what friends are for.
15) Take zeolite. One of the most remarkable products ever.
16) Cut down on sugar consumption. If you want to eat something sweet, make sure it’s bound up in a whole food form or have refined sugar very very occasionally. Please don’t give your children sweets, that really is spoiling them.
17) Eat artichokes. They can double your bile production which removes toxins.
18) Eat bitter leaves at or after every meal. They help stimulate bile flow.
19) Eat apples. Their pectin binds onto heavy metals and helps them be excreted. This puts less load on your liver.
20) Eat walnuts. They contain the amino acid arginine, which helps rid the liver of ammonia.
21) Juice the spring thistles that are around at the moment. They’ll do the same job as artichokes and milk thistle.
22) Drink green tea, if it doesn’t make your teeth feel like nails on a blackboard. It contains antioxidants called catechins which prevent build up of liver fat and do something interesting regarding the C word.
23) Stay away from fried foods. Seems obvious but I wanted to write it.
24) Season your food with lemon, apple cider vinegar, onion, garlic etc. Never use table salt, especially if you’re a slug or snail.
25) Stay at a healthy weight. If you are overweight, your liver will be suffering. It can only do so much.

26) Eat more fresh ripe and raw wild or organic foods that haven’t been processed in any way. A high fibre diet keeps the liver healthier.
27) Don’t take paracetamol. If you need a painkiller, there are safer ones around than this liver destroyer. Never give it to a child, either.
28) Take MSM. Half a teaspoon a day for a month, then double it for the rest of your life. It’s liver love at its best.
29) Take enzymes with every meal to help digest your food. Take a break every few weeks, though.
30) Make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals, as a deficiency in some of them can inhibit your liver from detoxing. Take care with your B vitamins, iron, magnesium and sulphate.
31) Stand in a forward bend for a while. It will massage your liver.
32) Dandelion root and leaves are great for the liver. Current spring ones are great in salads or juiced.
33) Try dandelion coffee. It’s good on your liver and tasty, too!
34) Get on your trampoline or rebounder and move your body! Help that liver squeeze toxins out. Play with a child on a trampoline, it makes you laugh and get fit all at once. Now that’s health multi-tasking at its best. Regular aerobic exercise reduces fatty liver of the non-alcoholic variety.
35) If you have any type of hepatitis, look at vitamin C megadosing. Reports state you can cure it before the week’s out. You can find the protocols on the Internet.
36) If you don’t have hepatitis, you can still benefit from taking lots of vitamin C. 5g (5000mg) a day can help flush fat from your liver.
37) Resolve all your emotional issues. If you don’t, your liver will not be at peace. If you want to say something to someone, say it. Or write a letter, read it out loud to yourself and then burn it. Anything left unsaid, or unexpressed will eat you up.
38) Eat lecithin. I recommend about a dessertspoon a day, sprinkled on food or in a smoothie for normal health. Times that by 3-5 if you are using it to emulsify cholesterol (treat gallstones).
39) Avoid all high GI and GL foods, they cause fatty liver and insulin resistance, type two diabetes. No, that’s not what you want, is it? Out with the white rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. In with wholefoods. Well, I’ve only been saying that for 26 years…
40) The liver is our second largest organ, next to the skin. If you don’t keep it squeaky clean your skin will start to show symptoms. Clean out your liver and get special glowy skin as a great side effect.
41) Poo properly so the liver doesn’t get poisoned by a colon that’s not emptied out. Get your feet on a stool so you’re in a good squatting position and stay there until you’ve done the best poo ever.
42) Drink about five litres of water a day, but never more than half a litre in one go.
43) If you are angry, check out liver therapy. It could stop you exploding.
44) If you have arthritis, then your liver is too full. Alkalise yourself, do enemas and forgive everyone. Let it go. Go on, Doxtor’s orders.
45) Do a coffee enema. It smells great, you get a thrill and your bile gets dumped. What a clean out.
46) Love ayurveda. They say that the liver is the seat of the fire in the body. It easily heats up and causes inflammation. Look for special ayurvedic herbs to bring you back into balance.
47) If you eat meat, make it organic. You don’t want all those non-organic toxins being stored and processed in your precious liver.
48) Massage your liver by touching your feet. With reflexology, you have your whole body map at your fingertips. Find the liver reflex points on the outer edge of the right sole. Give it a good old rub whenever you have a minute.
49) Eat coconut oil instead of other fat, where possible. It doesn’t digest in the liver and reduces the strain on it.
50) Make love. If you have someone to make love with. Sometimes the Universe doesn’t give you the partner you want to play with so you just have to ask harder. It will listen and respond in the end. It always does, especially when you really know what you want. Get a clear mind and a clear liver will follow.
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Jim Morris, 76-Year-Old Vegan Bodybuilder

At age 76, Jim Morris is a striking example of the power of a vegan diet, exercise and a positive mental outlook. 

A former Mr. America and Mr. U.S.A, Jim has been bodybuilding and training people since 1954. He has been a vegetarian for 26 years, and a vegan for 11 years. In 1996 at the age of 61, Jim celebrated his 30th year of competition by entering the Mr. Olympia Masters and winning the over 60 class.

Jim's Life Timeline:
  • Jim has trained people for over 50 years and started designing fitness programs in 1954 at the Central Queens YMCA in New York. He had just gained 35 lbs of pure muscle in 3 months and people wanted to know how he did it. He was very successful and started an Olympic weightlifting team that won state competitions.
  • Jim joined the Air Force in 1961 where he ran the 5Bx fitness program and held workout classes for 4 years.
  • He then joined the New York Fire Brigade as fireman, which allowed him to start training for bodybuilding competition. Jim won every major competition at the East Coast including Mr. Jr USA, his first national title.
  • In 1969 he moved to LA to learn from Bill Pearl, the 4-time Mr. Universe and bodybuilding legend who taught him the mechanism of training himself and training others.
  • Jim won Mr. California in 1970.
  • In 1973 he won Mr. America at age 37.
  • Also in 1973 Jim met Elton John at a party in Hollywood, and this encounter led Jim to become Elton John's personal bodyguard for the next 15 years.
  • Jim was inducted into the "Physical Fitness Hall of Fame" on Sept 9, 1978 along with Bill Pearl, Sergio Oliva and Jack LaLanne.
  • From 1978 to 1985 Jim ran his own gym in West Hollywood and attracted many competing bodybuilders including Larry Jackson, James Joseph, and Bob Paris to train at his gym.
  • He later sold the gym and resumed personal training, which he continues until today at Gold's Gym in Venice.
  • Jim retired from competition after the Mr. Universe contest in 1977.
  • In 1985 he decided to become vegetarian at age 50.
  • In 1996 he came out of retirement to compete in the Mr. Olympia Masters and won in the 60s age group when he was 61. He was looking back on a 30 year competitive career at that point.
  • In 2000 at age 65 Jim Morris became vegan.
  • Today, at age 76 and as vegan bodybuilder, Jim still retains his amazing physique and trains regularly.
Interview with Jim


Jim you are now 76 years old and look amazing! I know that the great photos of you are not retouched because I saw you with your shirt off during our Vegans in Vegas event! You gave an inspiring presentation and everyone was awestruck by your accomplishments - as vegan bodybuilder and beyond. Tell us about your daily fitness routine and how you keep in that great shape.

Jim: When I am "in Training" I rise at 3 am. I work-out from 4 - 5 am at Gold's Gym in Venice, CA. 

My workout consists of a split routine:
  • Sunday and Thursday I do legs - 5 or 6 sets of some sort of squatting or leg press movement and 5 or 6 sets of thigh extensions.
  • Monday and Friday - 5 sets of lat pulldowns, 5 sets of cable flyes, and 5 sets of dipping machine.
  • Tuesday and Saturday - 5 sets of dumbbell side laterals and 5 sets of forward laterals on low pulley; 5 sets triceps pushdown on high pulley and 5 sets straight dumbbell curls.
  • Wednesday is off
I live just 5 minutes from the gym and I train a maximum of three clients a day at Gold's Gym between the hours of 7 am and 10 am. Some days I have only or two clients.

Can you share your vegan nutrition plan that gives you the energy and the nutrients that you need to keep in such great physical shape as vegan bodybuilder?

Jim: Since I am a vegan bodybuilder I ALWAYS have either a large pot of bean soup or grains in the refrigerator. I ALWAYS have a variety of fruits in the house. I ALWAYS have a variety of nuts in the house.
I ALWAYS have a vegetable drink in the house.
The drink contains watermelon, water, collard greens, broccoli, red, yellow and green bell peppers, beets with the tops, carrots with the tops, yams, radishes and parsley.
Please do not try to duplicate my drink. It's better if you make up your own with the vegetables you like. Look-up the nutritional value of the vegetables and start with something you like; then add to those other vegetables with nutrients you want to include.
I don't follow any regular nutrition schedule as vegan bodybuilder: some days I have a drink around 10 am and some days I do not have a drink at all. There are days when I don't eat anything until 3-4 pm and then it might be peanuts and grapes, or whatever nuts appeal to me and whatever fruit might be in the house. Some days I might have some soup and some not.

I go to bed between 6 - 7pm.


At Vegans in Vegas, you described your personal advice for creating a firm abdominal musculature without constant crunches and sit-ups. Can you elaborate on this again for Belsandia readers?

Jim: The abdominal muscles are voluntary, in that they will only flex when you flex them deliberately. In other words, they will not tighten or contract on their own - which makes it so hard for most people to obtain strong and firm abdominal muscles.
Begin by emptying your stomach and intestines, because the abdominals cannot fully contract against the pressure of a full stomach. Then get in front of a mirror and learn to flex the muscles of the torso. Once you can flex all the muscles of the torso, increase your ability to flex them until you can make them cramp. At that point, flex them regularly during the day for as long as you can. Then train them to stay flexed by holding them in all the time.
Eventually, your abdominal muscles will stay contracted without any more effort on your part.

You have a long and storied career in successful bodybuilding competition. Did you eat a traditional meat-based diet at first, and what prompted you to change that and turn vegetarian in 1985, at age 50?

Jim: I ate a meat-based diet during the entirety of my competitive career with the exception of the Masters Mr. Olympia in 1996. I was a vegetarian for 10 years at that time.
I became vegetarian because my mentor and coach was vegetarian. Bill Pearl, a 4-time Mr Universe and 1953 Mr America was a vegetarian in 1969 when I met him, and seeing how muscular and healthy he was caused me to become interested in learning more about vegetarianism.

Did you ever consider becoming vegetarian before that time?

Jim: Yes, but I was afraid to change what had been a winning formula for contests.

Similarly, what sparked your move to become a vegan bodybuilder in 2000 at age 65?

Jim: Curiosity. I wondered what would happen if I did all of the things I knew were right and stopped doing all of the things I knew were wrong.
We have all heard them, and even said them, "Yeah I know I should..., but, or "Yes, I know I shouldn't..., but." I decided to eliminate "the buts" and live as I knew I should.

Obviously embracing a pure plant-based diet has not adversely affected your strength and great physique. Did you feel a difference in your performance when you became a vegan bodybuilder and athlete?

Jim: The change was part of a complete philosophical change and a complete change in my lifestyle and goals, so I cannot say for sure what part the diet played.

What three main myths would you like to bust for bodybuilders who still believe they need to get protein from meat, eggs, and dairy products?

Jim: I would like to bust the following myths about vegan bodybuilding, as they are total nonsense:
1. "It is impossible to be muscular and grow with vegetable proteins"
2. "Vegetable proteins are incomplete"
3. "You have to eat enormous amount of vegetables in order to get enough protein"

What is your recommendation for health-conscious people who want to become a vegan bodybuilder for a more compassionate lifestyle, but are afraid of losing muscle mass or stamina? 
Jim: The only way to know for yourself is to try being a vegan bodybuilder for 6 months - that is a timeframe when you have fully adjusted to your new lifestyle and can tell the difference.

Do you use or recommend any supplements for vegan athletes?

Jim: I only use a vitamin B12 supplement - nothing else.

You mention that your vegan diet is very simple, consisting of fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and nuts. You eat most of them raw and cook the beans and grains. You also mention that you don’t consume anything that is processed. What is the most common mistake people make, in your opinion, when they try to shape up on a vegan diet?

Jim: They try to combine foods so as to create complete proteins. The body will do that on its own and it is not necessary to analyze and manipulate the foods to get the best protein intake from your vegan diet.

Another thing that sparked my interest was the article you wrote about hypnotherapy on your website. Can you explain what you did, how it helped you, and if you would recommend it to others?

Jim: By sheer coincidence I happened to be working at the main branch of the New York Public Library at 5th Ave and 42nd St when I was introduced to what was called "lifting weights" in 1954 by a coworker. The library had and still has every magazine on the subject.
Obsessed, I read every magazine. Without realizing it I was hypnotizing myself. I would go from the magazines to other books in the library on any subject mentioned in the magazines I was not familiar with and study: kinesiology, skeletal structure, etc. 
In one of the “Iron Man” issues they spoke about how to set goals, short term and long term. I set a goal of gaining 30 lbs between Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day (about 80 days). Only in retrospect did I realize and remember that on Labor Day, I went into a trance-like state which lasted until Thanksgiving Day. I had gained 35 lbs. I have used this in my training many times since.
I definitely would recommend that you try to get a professional to teach you to self hypnotize - it can do wonders for you.

Have you thought about a book or speaking tour to spread your wisdom about health and fitness as a vegan bodybuilder and an older athlete any further?

Jim: I'm thinking about it is as far as I have gotten as vegan bodybuilder. What I have to offer is better to show visually than in writing. I think it will be better suited for an eBook or something which can be downloaded.

I have read the quote that describes your philosophy: "The adventure you get is the one you are ready for". Please tell us more about what drives you and what advice you would like to give our readers on the way.

Jim: My motivation constantly changes as my body and circumstances change. Motivation comes from within. At the moment it is a matter of health for me. 

Visit Jim’s website at www.gymmorris.com.

Thanks for reading! What do you think? 

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Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse

Chemotherapy has long been looked at as an aggressive and painful form of cancer therapy, but was also considered necessary, and the most effective treatment.

Now a recent study has shown that chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth. Beyond that, it even makes the tumor highly resistant to future treatment. Researchers were initially attempting to determine why cancer cells are easy to kill in a laboratory, but so hard to stop in a human body.

Reporting their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, the scientists report that the findings were ‘completely unexpected’. 

They tested tissue collected from men with prostate cancer, and found "evidence of DNA damage" in healthy cells after they received chemotherapy. Chemotherapy inhibiting reproduction of cells that divide quickly like those found in tumors.

Researchers focused on a cell known as the fibroblast in the neighborhood of the cancerous tumor. When the fibroblast was given chemotherapy, the researchers found that it produced a high level of a molecule called WNT16B, that enable the growth of cancerous cells.
"The increase in WNT16B was completely unexpected, according to study researcher Peter Nelson of Seattle. WNT16B, when secreted, would interact with nearby tumor cells and cause them to grow, invade, and resist subsequent therapy."
Tumors often respond well to chemotherapy treatments at first, then experience rapid regrowth and resistance later.

The news comes after it was previously revealed by similarly breaking research that expensive cancer drugs not only fail to treat tumors, but actually make them far worse. The cancer drugs were found to make tumors ‘metasize’ and grow massively in size after consumption. As a result, the drugs killed the patients more quickly. 

Study researcher, Peter Nelson, said it might be possible to use smaller and less toxic doses of chemotherapy during treatments. The scientists already expect to study the effects of WNT16B suppressants being given along with chemotherapy drugs in preventing the cell growth.

Thanks for reading! What do you think?

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Raw & Fresh Whole Food Companies for Dogs

Our companion animals deserve real food too!

Many people can't imagine another way of feeding their dog besides dried kibble or canned "meat" produced by pet food companies. Since the popularity of pet food exploded after World War II, commercial dog food has become the norm. Today, even the best intentioned of pet owners can unknowingly find themselves feeding their dogs and cats the toxic residues of factory-farmed, antibiotic-fed, hormone-laced cows and chickens and sheep, mixed with spoiled grains and some rancid oil. Many are also feeding their pets preservatives and sweeteners. 

Fortunately though, many people are educating themselves and changing the way they feed their dogs and switching to a healthy whole foods diet, and it has become easier than ever now with companies coming out with raw, whole foods in a bag.

There are a few vegetarian options available in this list, and be sure to read the section, "Can My Dog Be A Vegetarian?"

(some of the links just won't turn blue, but they are still links!)


Created in 2002, Honest Kitchen is a line of natural, dehydrated human-grade foods for dogs. The Honest Kitchen has taken the rather unusual step of applying for (and actually receiving) FDA approval to label its pet foods “human grade“. This means the meat in the food is not raw, but the vegetables are.

The company only uses human-edible components and produces all its products in a human food manufacturing facility.

From the president, "Our dehydrated pet foods are made from the most pristine, whole-food ingredients available. We put our heart and soul into building a strong brand, based on the foundations of product integrity, transparency and honesty."

Available Dehydrated Options:

Love (grain-free)
Zeal (grain-free)
Embark (grain-free)
Force (grain-free)
Prefrence (meat-free) 

Example of the Ingredients (Force):

Dehydrated free-range chicken, organic flaxseed, potatoes, celery, sweet potatoes, apples, alfalfa, organic kelp, honey, pumpkin, green beans, cabbage, bananas, papayas, basil, garlic, rosemary, tricalcium phosphate, choline chloride, zinc amino acid chelate, vitamin D3 supplement, vitamin E supplement, potassium iodide, potassium chloride, iron amino acid chelate, copper amino acid chelate.


In 1985 two forward-thinking women from Michigan mixed up the first batch of Sojos in their own kitchen. The first product, Sojos Original, was based on the teachings of Juliette de Bairacli Levy, considered the grandmother of herbal medicine. This first-of-its-kind pre-mix was soon followed by tasty gourmet treats.

SOJOS raw dog food mixes are made from scratch with whole food. It's homemade dog food, made easy. They offer a variety of grain-free options in their full line of all-natural pet food. Unlike kibble, Sojos has no fillers, no preservatives, and no artificial colors or flavors. Just simple, real ingredients like you’d find in your own kitchen.

Available Raw, Dehydrated Options:

Turkey Complete (grain-free)
Beef Complete (grain-free)
Grain-Free (meat-free)
Original (meat-free)

Example of the ingredients (Turkey Complete):

sweet potato, USDA turkey, whole egg, broccoli, celery, apples, flax meal, pecans, tricalcium phosphate, pumpkin, cranberries, basil, dried alfalfa, ginger root, dried kelp, zinc sulfate, vitamin E acetate, vitamin D3


Addiction started in 2002 when the founder – a leading holistic veterinary surgeon and clinical nutritionist with over 20 years’ experience– began to notice that everyday pet foods were under nourishing our pets and, in fact, causing them harm.

Identifying a pattern between the painful skin and gastrointestinal problems in the pets he was treating and a lack of nutrition in their diets, he set out to research what pet foods were available. He found that most foods were not providing our pets with the nutrients they need to stay fit, healthy and active. The unhealthy combinations of fats, grains, by-products and additives in these foods were creating harmful food allergies and serious health problems.

Available Raw, Dehydrated Options:
Perfect Summer Brushtail (grain-free)
Outback Kangaroo Feast (grain-free)
Fig'licious Venison Feast (grain-free)
Homestyle Venison & Cranberry Dinner
New Zealand Forest Delicacies
Herbed Lamb and Potatoes (grain-free)
Steakhouse Beef & Zucchini Entree (grain-free)
Country Chicken & Apricot Dinner (grain-free)
Nutri-RX Allergy HS (meat-free, grain-free) 

Example of the ingredients (from Fig'licious Venison Feast):

Venison, Potatoes, Papayas, Canola Oil, Figs, Carrots, Spinach, Tapioca, Choline Chloride, Taurine, Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Zinc Sulphate, Ferrous Sulphate, Copper Sulphate, Manganese Sulphate, Sodium Selenate, Potassium Iodate, Vitamins E Supplement, Niacin Supplement, d-Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin A Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Thiamine Hydrochloride, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Folic Acid, L-Tryptophan, L-Threonine, DL-Methionine, Tocopherols (preservatives), Lecithin, Rosemary Extract

More information 
Addiction is on Amazon!


The ingredients and philosophy of Grandma Lucy's have not changed since they began in 1999. 

Grandma Lucy's has taken great pride in making healthy, natural and delicious pet food and treats. Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Freeze-Dried, Grain Free Pet Food offers all natural, high quality meals for cats and dogs. Freeze-Dried, Grain Free Pet Food is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Cat/Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for all life stages. It’s every pet owners dream to serve the ultimate high quality pet food that has no preservatives, no by-products, and hormone and antibiotic free.

Available Freeze-dried Options (all are grain-free):

Artisan Chicken
Artisan Lamb
Artisan Venison
Artisan Pork
Artisan Bison
Artisan Pre-mix (meat-free)
Pureformance Chicken
Pureformance Lamb
Pureformance Rabbit

Example of the ingredients (Artisan Chicken):

USDA Chicken, Potatoes, Flax, Carrots, Celery, Apples, Blueberry, Cranberries, Garlic, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Niacin, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Potassium, Manganese, Chloride, Copper, Magnesium, Pyridoxine, Cyanocobalamin


As a pioneer and the very first companion animal food producer in the “ultra-natural” category, the team at Dr. Harvey’s has dedicated itself over the past three decades to a powerful vision: helping guardians give their companion animals a better, healthier, happier, longer and more fulfilling life.

Dr. Harvey’s Canine Products are the finest all-natural products in the world. After years of teaching people about the benefits of natural healing for dogs, Dr. Harvey created a line of products that helps guardians to keep their beloved companions healthy.

Dr. Harvey has been teaching guardians for almost 30 years about the dangers of putting chemicals, preservatives, artificial coloring and dyes and salt and sugar into a dog’s diet. He has longed believed that dogs need fresh foods daily and that avoiding chemicals will increase good health and is the best preventative against degenerative diseases.

Available Dehydrated Foods:

Veg-to-Bowl (grain-free, meat-free)
Veg-to-Bowl, Fine Ground (grain-free, meat-free)
The Miracle Dog Food (meat-free)

Example of the ingredients (The Miracle Dog Food):

Organic Rolled Oats, Organic Barley, Organic Triticale, Organic Spelt, Organic Brown Rice, Organic Kamut, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Potatoes, Zucchini, Peas, Green Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Parsley, Dried Yeast, Lecithin, Alfalfa, Dried Kelp, Ground Flaxseed, Calcium Citrate, Dried Ground Fenugreek, Dried Ground Fennel, Dried Ground Ginger, Dried Ground Peppermint, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Vitamin E Supplement, Manganese Proteinate, Vitamin A Acetate, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin Supplement, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid


Steve’s Real Food for pets is a pioneer in the raw dog food industry, being one of the first companies to distribute a raw meat dog food nationwide.  Their products contain the perfect balance of meat and vegetables to make giving your pet a raw food diet easy and affordable.

To provide natural proteins, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, Steve’s Real Food is made with best quality 100% hormone-free, antibiotic-free, human-edible raw chicken, duck, turkey, or beef. All varieties are mixed with fresh pesticide-free raw produce. We then blend in natural “functional foods” like vitamin E & sardine oil, anchovy oil and flaxseed oil for the important Omega-3, 6 & 9 fatty acids and add kelp and sea salts for trace minerals. These delicious morsels are then Instant Quick Frozen (IQF) to seal in all the freshness and nutrition.

Available Raw, Frozen Options (all are grain-free):

Beef Diet

Example of Ingredients (Turkey):

Ground Turkey, Turkey Necks, Celery, Turkey Liver, Romaine, Watermelon, Turkey Hearts, Bell Peppers, Flaxseed, Extract of Chicory
(FOS), Dried Kelp, Potassium Chloride, Sea Salt, Sardine/Anchovy Oil, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Vitamine E, Copper Proteinate, Maganese
Proteinate, Oxy-Gon Powder (Natural Antioxidant), Vitamin D, Garlic, Eggshell Powder, Sodium Bisulphate


Instinct fulfills your pets’ instinctive nutritional needs with 100% grain-free and gluten-free nutrition, resulting in vibrant health you can see.   
Instinct foods provide natural and healthy nutrition for your dog or cat – as evidenced by the astounding results their customers experience every day. Freedom from allergies, help with weight loss, and improved skin and coat are some of the amazing testimonials they receive. 

Available Raw, Freeze-Dried Options (they also have raw frozen options) (all are grain-free):


Example of Ingredients (Chicken):

Chicken, Turkey, Turkey Liver, Turkey Heart, Pumpkinseeds, Apples, Carrots, Ground Chicken Bone, Butternut Squash, Ground Flaxseeds, Montmorillonite Clay, Broccoli, Lettuce, Spinach, Dried Kelp, Apple Cider Vinegar, Parsley, Honey, Salmon Oil, Olive Oil, Mixed Tocopherols with Citric Acid (a natural preservative), Rosemary Extract, Blueberries, Alfalfa Sprouts, Persimmons, Inulin, Rosemary, Sage, Clove.

Also check out: 

Feel free to experiment in your kitchen with your own dog food recipes, but be sure that they are nutritionally balanced if they are going to be a long-term diet. Dogs are omnivores, so if you are like me and cringe at the idea of handling meat, remember that dogs eat both plants and animals therefore it's enjoyable to make healthy vegetarian dishes for your dog. Most dogs love lentil soup.

Foods that dogs should NOT eat: Avocado, Onions, Grapes, Raisins, Macadamia Nuts, Dairy products, Candy, Gum, Xylitol, Chocolate, Yeast, Salt.

Can My Dog Be a Vegetarian?

There is so much controversy on this subject, but the fact is that dogs are omnivores, like humans, and they can and do thrive on a vegetarian/vegan diet (when done right, just as ANY diet should be done right), just like humans. In fact, the longest lived dog was a vegetarian who ate organic lentils, rice and vegetables every day [see here]. 

Opponents claim that a vegetarian diet is unnatural for dogs, but as they declare this they serve their dog human prepared kibble, that doesn't resemble food, in a pretty dish; have the dog's vital sexual organs removed; insist their dog lives in their house and sleeps in their bed, among other unnatural behavior. Most dog species are even unnatural, simply the result of human manipulation. A dog's world (and diet) is far from natural already, yet somehow many remain healthy and robust. Furthermore, one can not deny that many pet owners find their dog's health improves dramatically on a meat-free diet. The simple fact is that a dog can thrive on both a meat diet and meat-free diet. The ultimate goal is to provide a diet that is fresh and resembles food, whether it contains meat or not.

If you do want to try a vegetarian diet for your dog, remember that dogs prefer thoroughly ground up plants opposed to whole chunks of food. They might sometimes gnaw on chunks, but a majority of the time they prefer plants that are ground up.  A few of the prepared dog foods above have meat-free options. This means convenience for you: you can add your own protein source such as sprouted tofu, lentils, hemp, legumes, eggs and others, and then serve. The amount of protein required ranges between 12% - 40%.

If you're looking for a vegetarian kibble, Natural Balance makes one without corn, soy, wheat, dairy or sunflower oil. There are some great reviews for it. Even my dog (dachshund) liked it, when he used to eat it, which was shocking because he is extremely picky. He preferred it over the "healthy" meat kibble I was feeding him at the time. The downfall is that the grain content is a bit high. And also do remember, fresh whole food is always better than kibble.

If you're not ready to feed your dog vegetarian yet, or ever, then the options listed in this article are a tremendous step up from traditional kibble diets and that's what inspired me to do this article. The farm animals are treated much more humanely and the meat is generally antibiotic and hormone-free. A step up for all animals involved.

Thanks for reading! What do you think?

My Picks! ~ click on the photos for more info